Mebrafe has a firm purpose: to value its working field with durable, efficient and economical solutions. Its customers count on personalized services and projects that range from a thorough assessment of their real needs up to the final installation of the equipment needed.
Everything is monitored and filed for future consultation. 40 years of hard work, growth and commitment to make a difference, producing responsibly and establishing reliable relationships.
Indústria 4.0 é uma expressão que engloba algumas tecnologias para automação e troca de dados e utiliza conceitos de sistemas digitais e ciber-físicos, como IoT (Internet das Coisas) e Computação em Nuvem.
4.0 industry is an expression that puts together technologies for automation and data exchange and uses concepts from digital and cyber-physical systems, such as IoT (Internet of Things) and Cloud Computing. 4.0 industry technologies enable the vision and execution of 'Smart Factories' that monitor physical processes and make decentralized decisions. The machines communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time, generating value at all stages of the chain and at all levels of the organization. These new technologies bring countless opportunities for adding value to customers and increasing process productivity, but without the proper focus it can be a waste of large investments that will provide little result. Therefore, it is not only a matter of having the data, but knowing how to use it.
Mebrafe counts on a leading history, expertise and capacity for innovation and aims at helping people and organizations to be more successful. Therefore, it believes that data intelligence applied to industrial cooling enhances advantages and results little explored by the market so far. Reaching the challenge proposed by shareholders, customers, suppliers and partners, Mebrafe brings in its Refrigeration 4.0 concept to the market, delivering not only real time visibility indicators, but also operational, technical, thermal and energy efficiency indicators, increased productivity, economy and effective management based on data and process intelligence. All in the palm of your hand.
Contact us to learn how Mebrafe has been contributing to its customers' Refrigeration 4.0 transformation.
SiMREF is a tool to measure and assess the power consumption of every user of refrigerated distribution centers. Companies can allocate the power costs among specific cost centers, improving cost management.
• Proper distribution of power consumption, according to the demand of each cold chamber;
• When quantifying consumption, it is possible to evaluate and rationalize the use of each chamber, improving processes.
How it works:
SiMREF is able to quantify the cooling demand of each cold chamber. Then, using thermodynamic calculations, it distributes the thermal load from the cold chambers to the corresponding compressors in the engine room.
The measured consumption of the engine room is assessed and prorated between the chambers.
Watch the video and learn how it works:
SiMREF's video -